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Habitat's vision: a world where everyone has a decent place to live.


Volunteer Forms

Habitat for Humanity International and our insurers require that all new volunteers complete some legal paperwork before they can participate, and renew this information annually. First, there is the Safety Crew Manual that must be read and acknowledged. The Volunteer must fill out an Emergency Medical Release and a Release and Waiver of Liability.

If you have not filled out this paperwork with the Roosevelt and Curry Counties Affiliate, you must complete it before you can participate in any activities. For your convenience, we have these documents located here. You may print them, fill them out, and then return them to the supervisor on the Habitat project. Blank forms will also be available on the construction site as well.
If you have any questions, please call the office at 575-359-1344 or email us.
Forms must be completed before volunteering on site and renewed annually thereafter.
Work Crew Safety Manual    139.32 KB
Release and Waiver of Liability 2016-01    217.19 KB
Release and Waiver of Liability FOR MINORS    239.31 KB
Your Group Can Donate Lunch for a Construction Crew
Lunch Donor Scheduling Form    304.65 KB
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Hours: Thurs 10am-5pm,
Fri 10am-5pm,
Saturdays 10am-5pm

National Partner Spotlight

Cisco Systems
  Cisco Systems, Inc. is the worldwide leader in networking for the Internet. Cisco hardware, software, and service offerings are used to create Internet solutions that allow individuals, companies, and countries to increase productivity, improve customer satisfaction and strengthen competitive advantage. 
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